Christian Singles: Find The One

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Motivational Blogs

Just a note from Christian Jim. First God bless and thanks for another wonderful day in a wonderful life. I know sometimes in this world it can be really hard to stay motivated. I thought today I would share one of these motivational blogs to help out a bit.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Christian Jim Is Back Maybe

Christian Jim forgot about this little blog here. I still stay strong in my faith but I must confess there are times when it definitely wavers. When I see much of the things that are going wrong in this world sometimes it gets tuff.

Even the things in my own life that are miniscule when compared to those of others create real problems with my constitution. Those times of weakness are always short lived though, thank God.

For every bit of sorrow I have there are tons of beautiful things that make up for it. For example I fractured my back just over a year ago, multiple herniated discs, nerve damage the whole gamut of things that could go wrong have and still are. I've lost most of the feeling in my lower left side. I am in constant pain. There is a good chance I will lose my house due to the fact that I have not been able to earn. At times I feel useless because physically I have become weak. It's strange mentally I feel like I should be able to work all day without problems, unfortunately within a few minutes of doing anything physical my back gets fatigued and just about anything becomes difficult. The thing is I still feel good I love this world and I love my awesome God. I know that this bit of pain and inconvenience is only temporary and that all things will turn around and I rejoice in that.

Sorry for getting whiny I just felt the need to vent. Like I said no matter what, I know things will turn around. If I keep with the lord. Somehow I'll find a way to pay for the surgery, I'll get my earning back on track one way or the other and everything will be alright.

I thank the lord for blessing me with such a wonderful mother she's partially disabled herself and has been helping me with so much I just can't believe how great she is. As I said I know my problems are minor when compared to those in others lives. My point is everything gonna be alright.

If anyone happens to read my little ramble here I apologize for the whine, but if you have an extra minute please shoot a prayer my way.

Thanks and God bless

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” C.S. Lewis

I love this quote I figured I would add it here.

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